Yesterday, August 28th, was mine and George's 9th Anniversary! For some reason, this feels like a big deal to me. Bigger than the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, etc. I have no idea why this one really strikes a chord with me, but it does. It seems so much more substantial somehow. I am a very blessed girl in the husband department, and I know it. Words could never express how much my husband means to me. He changed me and my life for the better in so many ways. I LOVE our children dearly, but it is not lost on me that in just a few short years, it will be just me and George. I am confident we will still be just as happy as we are now.
I have a few pictures to share. We went out to a nice dinner at Charlie's Steakhouse, which happens to be both our favorite. George surprised me with a stylish ride (: Dad and Larry were in town, and Dad went out and got us a little cake. It was fun to cut and share with them and the kids. I thought it was so sweet of him to remember. All in all it was a wonderful day and night. (: