Sunday, March 31, 2013

Zacheus and Brown Sugar Baked Chicken

One day in the car ride home after school, Steven excitedly told me about something that happened in music class that day. He explained that he was given a special part in his school's Easter play. He was playing the part of Zacheus. You know the one who climbed up into the tree to get a better view of Jesus. Steven was very excited because he would have scripted lines, and coolest thing ever....a microphone. When we got to the auditorium, I could tell he was pretty nervous, but he did his lines and sang the songs with ease. He looked pretty darn cute too......
Steven and Bailey getting ready.

My handsome boy

During the play

That evening I made one of Steven's favorite meals, in honor of his job well done. Brown Sugar baked chicken and tomato salad with feta are his absolute favorites. I've recently tweaked this recipe, by adding grated orange zest, and he ate seconds! 

Brown Sugar Baked Chicken
3 Tbsp light brown sugar
2 tsp chili powder
Freshly grated orange zest of 1 orange
8 chicken drumsticks
Sprinkle of sea salt
A few turns of pepper mill

Mix all dry ingredients into a large ziploc bag. Add chicken drumsticks, and shake until chicken is well coated. Marinate in refrigerator, or just arrange chicken on baking dish and bake at 375* for 30 minutes.

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