Monday, April 8, 2013

Easter and Dr Pepper Baked Ham


We woke up early on Easter this year to make it to the early service at church, then out to breakfast, and home to ready the house for our guests. My favorite part of Easter this year was that Steven decided on his own to give up something for the 40 days of lent. He said to me "If Jesus could make such a huge sacrifice for me, then I can sacrifice and not eat chocolate for 40 days." I was so touched by his willingness and the fact that he came to me with the idea that I joined him in the fast of chocolate as a support. (My friend Heather did, too) For us it was pretty easy, but for Steven this was a hard thing. He was tempted many times, but held true to his promise. Here are my lovelies before church.

Earlier in the week we colored Easter Eggs. Steven didn't show much interest this year. (I'm finding out that 10 years old is the expiration date on a lot of the childhood fun) He did humor me and color a few, but Amanda Lily was the one who enjoyed it most.

Opening Easter Baskets

This chocolate star wars storm trooper was delicious! Maybe it's because he hadn't had chocolate in 40 days!

Food plays such an important part of Holidays for me. I thoroughly enjoy planning a meal, then spending the few days before getting my recipes together. I've never felt like a "slave" in my kitchen. I just put on my standards, and get lost in my own world.

These toasted coconut cupcakes were easy to make using my mom's recipe. Coconut cake was something we had at every Easter table when I was growing  up. I made it in a mini version for a fun twist.

These white chocolate covered strawberries were supposed to look like carrots. I'm not sure if I accomplished that, but either way, they were delicious.

Lemon Berry Torte. Oh Yum. Recipe is on the sidebar of this blog, to the right.

Lemonade and Green Tea

I also made Ambrosia in honor of my Nannie. She made it every year at Easter.

We had several children join us for our celebration and Egg Hunt. This is what I did to make their table special. The little cups had pastel marshmallows. 

The girls played on the swings while Uncle Pete, Uncle Jimmy, Hubs, and I hid the eggs in the front park area.

Steven found the golden egg!

Nana and her boys

I saw something like this on Pinterest, and decided to get crafty and make two of them for my front doors. I love them so much that I've decided to leave them up until Greek Easter in May.

Dr. Pepper Baked Ham
1 8lb boneless ham, presliced
2 cups brown sugar
1 can of Dr Pepper
1 cup Grape Juice
1 20 can sliced pineapple, drained with juice reserved

Preheat oven to 325*. Place the ham in a large roasting pan and pat brown sugar over the entire surface. Some will fall into the pan, that's okay. Bake the ham until sugar is melting off of it, about 30 mins. Remove the ham from oven and pour the dr pepper, grape juice, and juice from the pineapple into the pan. Baster the ham with the mixture and return it to the oven. Continue baking, basting every 20 mins, for about 2 hours. Allow ham to rest for 10 mins before placing the pineapple rings on top of ham. Serve, and use drippings sauce on the side for anyone who wants to top ham with more juice.